Dry Time
3-5 hours
Wet Weight
159 grams
Dry Weight
44 grams
Notes / Directions
- Tomato paste can be added to runny spaghetti to bring it back to life.
- It can also be used for a variety of other dishes such as cottage pie, chili, or rice pilaf.
- Spread the paste as evenly as possible, and as thin as possible, but focus mainly on consistent thickness.
- Drying times will vary greatly depending on the thickness it's spread.
- Half way through the drying, or when it's easily handled, remove it from the dehydrator sheet and flip it over.
- If there are any wet spots, smear the area onto dry spots.
- The dehydrated paste can be rolled up like a fruit roll, or placed in a food processor or blender and turned into a powder.
- Properly dried tomato paste should be pliable, sometimes crunchy on the edges, but it should never be tacky or sticky.